Graphene: Understanding its Structure, Synthesis, and Functionalization
- Authors: Vinay Deep Punetha1, Anton Kuzmin2, Golnaz Taghavi Pourian Azar3
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Centre of Excellence for Research, P.P. Savani University, Surat 394125, Gujarat, India 2 Scientific Laboratory "Advanced Composite Materials and Technologies", Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny Ln, 36, 117997, Moscow, Russia 3 The Functional Materials and Chemistry Research Group, Research Centre for Manufacturing and Materials (CMM), Coventry University, CV1 5FB, United Kingdom
- Source: 2D Materials: Chemistry and Applications (Part 1) , pp 1-31
- Publication Date: August 2024
- Language: English
Graphene: Understanding its Structure, Synthesis, and Functionalization, Page 1 of 1
< Previous page | Next page > /docserver/preview/fulltext/9789815223675/chapter-1-1.gifMaterial science has gone through several evolutionary stages; especially the discovery of graphene has added one of the most defining chapters in this journey. Owing to the enormous potential of this material in various applications, a tremendous pace can be seen in the development of graphene-derived materials and technologies. The 2D revolution in material science can be marked by the shift from the bulk form of materials to their intelligent and efficient two-dimensional (2D) analogs and their use in developing innovative contrivances. Various forms of 2D graphene have recently evolved, including mainly monolayer graphene, bilayer graphene, graphene oxide, graphene nanoribbons, and graphene quantum dots. These materials have shown great potential to revolutionize various aspects of human life, from electronics and actuation to healthcare and energy. Its exceptional properties make it an ideal candidate for various applications. Continuing explorations and epistemological pieces of evidence will likely reveal even more prospective applications. The book chapter deals with a concise overview of the structural aspects of graphene, the presence of defects, methods of synthesis, and functionalization. The chapter will help develop an essential understanding of the critical aspects of science and recent developments around it. This chapter aims to provide a quick and easily understandable summary of various complex aspects of it by reducing irrelevant or extraneous information.
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