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Molecular Mechanisms Implicated with Depression and Therapeutic Intervention

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Depression is a pervasive, arduous psychological condition with profound neurological ramifications. The parameters for leveraging depression involve the diagnosis and evaluation of depression, the endorsement to implement substantiated therapies and rigorous follow-up of the patients. Many individuals suffering from depression undertake a recurring or persistent therapy that correlates to a decline in cognitive processing. The underpinnings of exact aetiology and pathogenesis of melancholy are probably the outcome of a variety of mechanisms. These include physiological, behavioural, and socio-economic variables, all playing their roles. Multiple refinements to the treatments encompassing therapies, medications and medical interventions are employed, in relation to effective approaches reassuring the brighter side. In this chapter, we discuss more integrative and multifaceted aspects of psychological health, minimizing the segmented understanding to achieve a consensus on multiple possibilities for effective interventions.

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