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Plant Mediated Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles for Burn Wound Management

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<div>The burn wound is one of the most common and devastating forms of</div><div>trauma, which places a significant burden on healthcare systems. Wound healing is a</div><div>complex process that helps re-establish the integrity of the damaged tissue. Natural</div><div>products have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, pro-collagen</div><div>synthesis and cell-stimulating properties, which contribute to the accelerated healing</div><div>process. These natural products possess wound healing properties of mixtures of</div><div>compounds with synergistic or additive effects; therefore their applications are limited</div><div>when they are used as a single compound. However, nanotechnology is a promising</div><div>powerful tool in drug delivery, which is attributed to their stability, high loading</div><div>capacity, and targeted delivery. The main objective of this chapter is to provide updated</div><div>information on the plant-mediated synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles for burn</div><div>wound management. This chapter explains the plant-mediated synthesis of titanium</div><div>dioxide nanoparticles for burn wound management, their potential therapeutic effects,</div><div>focus on synthesis, plant-based, applications and mechanism of action in different</div><div>phases of wound healing. Also, it provided the literature reports available on various in</div><div>vitro and in vivo studies on the use of plant titanium dioxide nanoparticles for wound</div><div>healing. Pharmaceutical nanotechnologies are an innovation used for regenerative</div><div>medicine in the near future and proved efficient in managing burn wounds. </div>

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