Turmeric Supplementation and Its Valued Clinical Connections

- Authors: Pankaj Kumar Chaurasia1, Shashi Lata Bharati2, Sunil Kumar3, Ashutosh Mani4
View Affiliations Hide Affiliations1 P.G. Department of Chemistry, L.S. College (A Constituent Unit of B.R.A. Bihar University)Muzaffarpur 842001, Bihar, India 2 Department of Chemistry, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli(Itanagar), Arunachal Pradesh-791109, India 3 Department of Chemistry, L.N.T. College (A Constituent Unit of B.R.A. Bihar University)Muzaffarpur-842002, Bihar, India 4 Department of Biotechnology, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj-211004, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Source: The Chemistry inside Spices & Herbs: Research and Development , pp 282-288
- Publication Date: April 2022
- Language: English
<div>Turmeric (Curcuma longa) does not require any introduction for its benefits</div><div>because it is an extremely renowned spice and cooking material of Indian kitchens. It</div><div>has a valuable place in Ayurveda for its crude medicinal values. In India, it also has a</div><div>sacred position in festivals, worships, and wedding ceremonies. For a long time, it is</div><div>being used as an important ingredient in different Asian dishes and has a significant</div><div>position in the cooking spices. Except for its valuable uses as a spice, it is known for its</div><div>role in wound treatment, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant, pain relief, anti-cancer,</div><div>and so on. It is being used for a long time with several expectations of its great health</div><div>benefits, but there is still no concrete research that proves its heavy potency towards the</div><div>treatment of any serious disease. Although it is not so potent individually for the</div><div>treatment of any serious health issues, its supplemental values must be encouraged, and</div><div>more research is essential to be done on it. This chapter concisely demonstrates the</div><div>significance of turmeric in the treatment of various health issues and its role in food</div><div>supplements.</div>
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